Cuuko's Magic Emporium
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Weeks 11 & 12 Review
The penultimate review. There will be two items left after the last review. I want to do something special for them, but I haven't figured out what yet.
These two weeks were the opposite of the last two. The theme week was fairly easy, and the other 7 were much harder. Why didn't I do any wands before? They are so easy to figure out! The answer is, there's only so many interesting ways you can spin "you can cast these spells." Hopefully, I spun a few! It's difficult to even pick a favourite, I like them all so much. Since I have to pick one, the Wand of Wards is simple, thematic, and a item I'd love to have in my backpack.
To pick a non-wand favourite, the Ring of Death's Embrace has some cool roleplay possibilities.
The Folding Cart is the first one that I've done that I am really not happy with. I was too tied to my interpretation of the random words given and wound up sucking all the utility from it. As it stands, it's not a very useful item. (And I received feedback to that effect.) I'm not sure what I am going to do about that yet.
I've progressed quite far with the final book version. It will include all the items, but also details of Cuuko's Magick Emporium - the mysterious shop where your players can find them for sale.
Part of the point of this exercise is not to obsess and continually revise items. However, as I get to the compiling-in-a-book stage, it's really necessary to give every item a fresh reading to fix errors and omissions. I've already done one pass, where I made some very minor changes. More passes will follow at the end.
The final theme week will be rods & staffs week. The first of which is already up: the Staff of Arcane Insight.
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