Cuuko's Magic Emporium
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Lightning Lasher Ring
Ring, rare (requires attunement)
This metal ring has been treated during forging giving it a solid black color and it adorned with a yellow gem in the shape of the lightning bolt. The ring has 10 charges and regains 1d10 charges each dawn.
While wearing the Lightning Lasher Ring, you can make a ranged weapon attack as an action. The attack is resolved as if you were using a ranged weapon with which you are proficient, with a range of 30/60. Upon a successful hit, you can spend one charge and ring releases a surge of lightning energy, dealing 1d6 lightning damage.
After a successful attack the ring becomes connected to the target, and on subsequent turns you can spend another charge to do an additional 1d6 lightning damage as a bonus action. The connection is visible as a thin stream of energy between you and the target. The connection can be severed in the following ways:
If you make another ranged weapon attack action with the ring, successful or not.
If the ring runs out of charges.
If either you or the target moves, so the target is more than 60 feet away.
You or the target are knocked unconscious.
If you take damage, you must make a concentration check, DC 10, or the connection is severed.
Creation Notes
Inspiration words: hurl and connection.
Sort of like a TASER? I was tempted to make the target have to survive a check to not be paralyzed for a round, but it seems pretty powerful as-is.
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